Q1 Week 8

9/23: DSLR Study Guide / Workday
-Introduce DSLR Study Guide Assignment Due: 9/27
-Discuss Grades, Late/Missing Work
-Work on Shoot 2 uploading, editing and posting to albums
-Work on Study Guide
-Use free class time to get questions answered and missing work completed 
     -Bring Camera, card and USB so that you can stay on top of the work!

9/24: Workday
-Work on Shoot 2 uploading, editing and posting to albums
-Work on Study Guide

9/25: Workday / Late Work Warning!
-Work on Shoot 2 uploading, editing and posting to albums
-Work on Study Guide
-Last day to turn in late work is 1 week from today!

9/26: Workday
-Work on Shoot 2 uploading, editing and posting to albums
-Work on Study Guide

9/27: DSLR Study Guide Due / Workday
-Work on Shoot 2 uploading, editing and posting to albums
-Finish and turn in Study Guide today!