Strategies for Retouching/Editing Images

As you begin to clean up your images, be sure to follow the basic outline for editing.

Steps for Retouching

-Always use a copy: In PS, rename the file or duplicate the layer. In LR, you are safe. In PS, it is helpful to have the original as the background layer, to compare. In LR use the split or compare edit views to see the difference.

-Check resolution: In PS, make sure to adjust before editing.  In LR, we can do this when we prep to print.

-Crop an image to the desired ratio/size:  In PS, once you crop, you can't go back.  In LR, you have the ability to return to the original size.

-Repair dust, scratches, blemishes, and/or rogue pixels:  Various methods for both pieces of software.

-Adjust tonal range: This is adjust exposure, contrast and brightness.  Numerous methods in PS (ie. adjustment layers). In LR, this is the Basic section of the develop mode.

-Remove color-cast:  this is adjusting the white balance, tonality and overall color appearance of an image.  Use various methods in PS. In LR, you will use the WB section of the Basic section, as well as the HSL/Color/B&W section of the develop mode.

-Apply visual edits: This includes, but is not limited to, adding filters, presets, adjusting grain, adding vignettes, altering focus (PS). 

-Last, you will apply any sharpening: In PS, this is a filter. In LR, use the "detail" section of the develop mode.

-Be sure to save all your work in PS. In LR, you may prep for printing.