Q2 Week 6 and Week 7 (Thanksgiving Week)

Be sure to have your thumb drive / laptop all this week, as we will begin working with Photoshop.

Week 6
11/18: Artist Project / PS demo
-Introduce: 10/10 in 2 Artist Presentation
-Demo/Discuss: PS selections, transforming and layer basics

11/19: PS Exercises #1 / Research
-Table 1&2 in lab for PS Selection Exercise #1
-Table 3-6 Work on research for artist list / Due Friday

11/20: PS Exercises #1 / Research
-Table 3&4 in lab for PS Selection Exercise #1
-Table 1, 2, 5, 6 Work on research for artist list / Due Friday

11/21: PS Exercises #1 / Research
-Table 5&6 in lab for PS Selection Exercise #1
-Table 1-4 Work on research for artist list / Due Friday

11/22: Open Lab Workday
-Finish PS Exercise #1, if you haven't already
-5 Artist List Page Due
-Pass back old work 

Week 7 / Thanksgiving Week
11/25: Shoot #3
-Discuss: Shoot #3 / to be determined by you / Due: Following Break 12/2

11/26: Movie Trailers / Thanksgiving Bonus Opportunity
-Introduce: Thanksgiving Bonus Opportunity / Due: 12/2
-Tease movie trailers

11/27-29: No School
-Enjoy time feasting with family and friends
-See you Monday