Thanksgiving Bonus Opportunity

I'm offering a unique opportunity for you to earn bonus credits towards your Q2 exam. In order to earn the points, you must watch one or more of the selected films from the list below. In addition, you will need to write a short (half page) review of the film(s), and answer a question or two about the film(s), upon return. Different films are worth different point values. You may earn up to 7 points total(worth more than a letter grade on the exam).

-What We Do In The Shadows

Things to Note: 
Film-making and Cinematography are closely related to photography. Films are a great way to feed your brain with new ideas. In addition to the stories that are being told, closely examine the visual aspects of films such as compositions, camera angles, lighting, and symbolism. With films that you enjoy, take the time to re-watch them a few times. Once you know the story, let your attention focus on the technical aspects of the the film, and how it was created. Take notes of ideas that you can apply to your own work.

Above is a quick list (with links to trailers) of some of my favorite films. In order to make the list, they all have great stories, but must also be visually, aurally, and all-round technically impressive.

FYI- Some of these are foreign films. Don't let subtitles deter you from some of the best film-making out there. Just because the United States has the biggest film industry, does not mean it is always the best (a discussion for another time). When experiencing foreign films, always watch with subtitles on; never dubbed. You lose all of the acting with a voice-over, and the translation usually isn't as good as the subtitles.

One last thing... Give these films the credit and respect that they deserve and watch them on DVD, or a legit download (ie. netflix). Please don't tarnish the beauty of them by watching a budget youtube version. Also do your best to watch them in their entirety, in a single sitting (note some are rather long). Be present with the film. Do not watch in pieces and do not watch while engaging with your phone (umbilical cord).