Missing Missy Journal


Begin by reading the "Missing Missy" article.  While reading the article consider the sides of the two people emailing back and forth.  Also examine and evaluate the different versions of the missing cat poster.  

Choose 1 of the prompts to write about...

1. Write a 1+ page opinion about which poster, from the article, you prefer.  Reflect upon why you like that poster, but also why you favor that one over the others.  Support your argument with details from the source.  Use your art vocabulary (elements, principles, and composition terms) to speak articulately about your choice.

2. Write a 1+ page evaluating the role that type/text have in the designs of the various posters.  Explore how the changes in type impacted the perception of the posters. Support your argument with details from the source.  Use your art vocabulary (elements, principles, and composition terms) to speak articulately about your choice.

Due: Monday 2/24 at the latest