Record Album Sketches

The following tasks will be used as research and brain-storming for your record album cover project.  Sketches will be graded and planning will ultimately guide the execution of your project.

Sketch Tasks:
-Research online (or at home) and find 5+ favorite or inspirational album covers.  List the artist and album title for each.
-List at least one item from eash that you like or think makes for a good album cover.

Your album cover will be for a playlist that you create. 
-Begin by thinking of a topic/theme for the playlist. Contemplate the type of music and/or the mood of the playlist.
-Assemble at least ten songs for your playlist (you can have as many as you like).
-Come up with a title for your play list.
-Brainstorm several possible shoots to capture an image or images to illustrate the theme of your playlist cover.